Pottergate Ladies Section held a weekday and a weekend Women on Par Event which attracted 13 ladies and 5 lead volunteers. This England Golf initiative, supported by Slingsby Gin, was a 9 hole series of golfing challenges. The technical challenges included driving accuracy, pitching work, bunker shots and a 2 putt challenge on each hole. In addition etiquette awareness, marking cards and understanding Stableford scoring were included. Comments from the participants included: “ I didn’t realise how many shots I am losing through 3 and 4 putting” “ I need help with the accuracy of my driving. I will start going to Stu Warren’s Saturday group tuition” “ I now feel more confident to mark another card in a Stableford Competition. I will start entering competitions” “ It was great fun to meet others and make contacts as well as be supported by more experienced members at the club” After each event the participants gathered for drinks on the Pottergate Terrace in beautiful sunshine and enjoyed a short ceremony with prizes and gifts.

Our thanks go to England Golf for this initiative which is part of Pottergate Ladies Women in Golf Charter 2022/2023

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