Ladies 25+ Club

This is a fund raising venture for the Ladies Section. It was introduced in 2018 – the 25th Anniversary of Pottergate Golf Club – hence its name and it has proved to be very successful. At least 50% of takings are paid out with monthly prizes of £30, £20, £10 as well as bonus draws subject to entry numbers.


1Marion Frisby 
2Val McCracken 
3Audrey Henderson 
4Lis Marsland 
5Anne Cooper 
6Jackie Garland£30
7Kath Ledgard 
8Sarah Dawson 
9Abigail Copper£10
10Sally Logan 
11Kath Havenhand 
12Margaret Jobling 
13Pauline Hogg£20
14Margaret Parry 
15Gail Boynett 
16Dawn Law 
17Jenny Gayler 
18Sue Bailey 
19Claire Hey 
20Julie Lakin 
21Veronica Watson 
22Jenny Carter 
23Dorothy Martin 
24Teresa Galjaard 
25Pat Mundy 
26Angie Smith 
27Kathy Woodcock 
28Eileen Malpass 
29Sue Claughton 
30Paula Spiller 
31Sheena Adkin 
32June Howard 
33Caroline Birkin 
34Tracy Sackree  
35Kathy Crabtree