Ladies’ Section Annual General Meeting. Monday 2nd November 2020 at 2.00pm.

Owing to the Covid 19 restrictions of the rule of six and social distancing intention to attend the AGM should be indicated.

Ladies who have not indicated, please email or post a letter in the suggestion box, to the Ladies’ Secretary by Saturday October 31st

Any apologies may also be emailed.

Anyone who is unable to attend may send a proxy vote either by email to the secretary or by letter via the suggestion box.

There have been difficulties in receiving nominations and under the circumstances late nominations have been accepted to fill vacant positions.

Chairperson — Margaret Jobling/Sally Logan

Hon. Secretary — Sarah Dawson

Minutes Sec. —

Hon. Treasurer — Audrey Henderson

Handicap Sec. — Sophie Hunter

Comp. Organiser— Kath Ledgard

Thank you

Margaret Parry Hon. Sec.

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