Competition Information and Draws

Ladies Winter Competitions 2020/21

Sadly due to the coronavirus lockdown restrictions, no golf can take place during November 2020. However we hope that plans for December to Februarycan take place, but please be alert for changes. Please make sure you use your new WHS handicap.

Winter League – 9 and 18 holes: Information has been issued to everyone who has entered and matches can be played at any time during December to February. However tee times from 11am to 12 noon on a Tuesday have been reserved for the Ladies should anyone wish to play then.

Monthly Winter Competitions: We have reserved the following dates for 9 hole, non-qualifying competitions. The intention is that players will enter on the hallway computer and a draw for partners will be made.

Tuesday 15th December – Bailey’s Binge Texas Scramble (3 ball)

Tuesday 12th January – Winter Waltz (3 ball)

Tuesday 9th February – Red Rose Greensomes to Red Flags

Any queries please contact Kath Ledgard on 01522 750459.

Bailey’s Binge Christmas Competition

A huge thank-you to all 27 ladies for taking part in the Bailey’s Binge Competition on 15th December. The sun shone, the Christmas hats and jumpers were in evidence, the Bailey’s was good and everyone had fun. Thanks also to Mike for doing the cards and being the starter and to Sarah for the yummy Goodie Bags.

The scores were very close – only 6 shots separated the first and last teams!!The winning team, with a wonderful score of 29.9, were Sally Logan, Kathy Woodcock and Margaret Parry. Well done to them. Prizes will be awarded to them when we are all able to be together again.

Winter League – 9 and 18 holes:  Don’t forget to arrange your Winter League matches and let Margaret Parry know your results after each match.

Monthly Winter Competitions: The competitions planned for January and February are below. Please enter on the hallway computer in the Clubhouse and bookings can be made from 4 weeks in advance (changed from the 2 weeks mentioned on your Goodie Bag note). The draw for tee times will be made on the Wednesday prior to the Competition.

Tuesday 12th January – Winter Waltz (3 ball)

Tuesday 9th February – Red Rose Greensomes to Red Flags

Any queries please contact Kath Ledgard on 01522 750459 or Audrey Henderson on 01522 394836.

Advanced Notice

No advance notices at this time. Watch this space.